Services & Rates

Massage Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, and any combination of modalities

30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $140
Three 60-Minute Sessions minutes: $270
Three 90-Min minutes: $378

There are many different modalities of massage. Within each modality, a Massage Therapist will have his/her own style. The modalities, styles, and personalities allow for a wide range of Massage experiences. 

Training and certification courses are available for each modality. When choosing a massage therapist, you may wish to ask about training, experience, and certifications.

Within my practice, I use of combination of several types of bodywork for which I have received training, including the following modalites: 

Neuromuscular  Therapy 

Knots ("Trigger Points") form in muscles as a result of injury or overuse. These trigger points can cause pain in the immediate area and also refer pain to other muscles. NMT works directly on the trigger point using strokes and static pressure to relieve the pain and restore structural balance.



Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of bodywork using light-touch to release restrictions in the body in order to relieve pains and stress and restore health. CS works with the Cerebral-Spinal Fluid to rebalance the body.




Foot Reflexology is a system which works specific points on the feet that affect the entire body and brings deep relaxation. Through this work, organs, muscles, joints, the neurological system, the respiratory system and the immune system can be balanced, bringing the body back to wellness. Full sessions generally last 50-60 minutes, however, specific systems can be worked separately or as part of other bodywork. Reflexology is performed directly on the skin using scented oils while the client is in a reclined position.

Reflexology can also be performed on hands and ears.



Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a manual therapy consisting of gentle, light, specifically placed manual forces that encourage normal mobility, tone and inherent tissue motion of the visceral (the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, and intestines), their connective tissue and other areas of the body where physiologic motion has been impaired. 

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